Category: Socio-economic issues

Backpacker, go home: How tourism is ruining everything

tourists should ask themselves “What about my behaviour? Is it one of mutual respect? Or am I going there to do what I want?"

Tourism and a fetish for arrival numbers: learning from the Phillippines

A myopia that looks only at total arrivals and receipts ignores the serious socio-cultural and environmental impacts of tourism.

Melting ice a ticking time bomb for Pacific islands

At current rates, sea-level rise will submerge or make unliveable many islands within a century, maybe sooner

Can a Trip Ever Be ‘Authentic’?

When we settle into our $500-a-night suite surrounded by oil lamps and bangled dancers, we couldn’t be further from the ‘‘real India’’ outside

Motion on the refugee crisis adopted by the ISTO General Assembly

Organisation says that tourism professionals and stakeholders who focus on the social dimension of the industry can’t be indifferent or inactive to the tragedies taking place

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Helsinki was granted the Green Destinations GSTC certificate

Helsinki was granted the Green Destinations GSTC certificate, which is one more step towards its goal of becoming the world’s most sustainable travel destination. Helsinki is the first city with over half a million residents to receive this certificate.