Travindy welcomes guest posts and articles on all issues to do with tourism and sustainability. You can write for us on a regular basis or as and when you have something worth sharing.
Most importantly, your story has to be unique, interesting and follow the guidelines below. However, if you have not written for us before, please do not send us finished articles. Contact our team to discuss your ideas first.

What we write & what we don’t write about
– We publish articles about all issues to do with tourism and sustainability. If your article is about anything else, please don’t write to us asking if we will publish it.
– We publish for an industry audience. If your article is directed at travellers and tourists, we will not publish it unless it’s also useful for those working in the industry to read.
– We are happy to republish articles you have published elsewhere, so long as you have permission to republish.
– We reserve the right to reject any post.
General information
– Blogs will be published under the author’s name; will include their bio; and will provide links to any social media addresses provided.
– If applicable and previously agreed, blogs will feature the logo of the organisation that the individual represents / is part of.
– We reserve the right to edit the blog content for style. We will not change the sense of an argument.
– We are a self-funded, non-for-profit organisation. We do not pay authors for their contributions.
Writing guidelines
– Recommended word count: 400-800 words, however we are happy to accept longer contributions, which may be edited for length if necessary.
– Headlines should be around 8-12 words long. The should state what the argument / content of the article is in as appealing a way as possible. Ask yourself, would I open this post if I saw the headline? Would I share it?
– Make your main point in the first paragraph of the blog. Whatever the topic of your blog, be sure to make it clear in the first paragraph, and ideally the first sentence. Ask yourself, would I keep reading after this paragraph?
– Keep sentences short, and include only one idea / concept / argument in each sentence.
– Keep paragraphs short, ideally no more than three sentences.
– Avoid jargon unless essential to the post.
– Write in the active mood wherever possible. (eg ‘I wrote this blog’, rather than ‘this blog was written by me’).
– Include sources with links for all facts / quotes / references.
– Include social media addresses (twitter and facebook) for any organisation or person mentioned in the article.
Please submit at least 1 image, minimum width 600px, minimum height 200px. You should either own the copyright to the image, or be providing us with an image that you have the right to share. Unspleash or Pixabay are good sources of rights free images.
Author information
– Include an author biography (approx 100 words) if first submission.
– Include an author image (approx 100px x 100px) if first submission.
– Include any social media addresses you use professionally / academically.
– List any social media groups you believe would be interested in this article.