By leveraging Colombia’s extraordinary biodiversity, there is a considerable opportunity for the development of Colombia’s ecotourism subsector. Ecotourism has the potential to provide alternatives to coca production and new livelihood options for former militants. However, it is essential this is developed alongside infrastructure projects and social schemes.
For cities around the world, the pandemic has seen them emptied of tourists. Now some in Europe want to make sure they don’t come back in quite the same numbers as before. However, for curated tourism to have a chance, the hospitality sector must be on board.
Even if all current Paris agreement climate pledges are met, the world is still set to see temperature rises of about 2.4C by the end of the century. Across sectors, companies have helped drive climate chaos. Now, at least a fifth of the world’s 2,000 largest public companies have made some kind of “net zero” pledge to cancel out their carbon emissions. However, monitoring their effectiveness can be hard.
The announcement of new additions to the UNESCO list can be a cause for excitement, but 2021’s
has been more dramatic than most. With all the fuss around who will make the cut and who won't, there's one question that hasn't been answered: Does UNESCO designation really make a difference with travellers?
Now that travel is reopening, many Black travellers are paying attention to whether companies follow through with the promises they made in the wake of George Floyd’s killing. How destinations and travel service providers approach diversity has an influence on travel decision-making, including Black representation in advertising and the availability of Black-owned business.
While the Japanese are famed for their polite and welcoming nature, the concentration of crowds at famed attractions is straining some of Japan’s hotspots.