Category: Opinion

Cambodian hotelier schools the world on tourism storytelling

Great storytelling always wins, in that it reminds us what travel should be about — the place and its host communities. It's a skill that more tourism campaign creators need to harness as part of "building back better."

Africa’s wildlife champion fights poachers seizing on Covid tourism drop

Alina Peter is on the frontlines fighting the rise of poaching in Africa. Here, she shares how she works, the situation on the ground, and why it's important to weave science, indigenous knowledge, and technical expertise to derail the growing commercialization of illicit poaching, all of which has deep implications for tourism.

Zambia’s untapped tourism potential

In this “Good Tourism” Insight, Shamiso Nyajeka makes a  pitch for the development of a responsible, sustainable, and economically-inclusive travel & tourism industry in Zambia. Poverty persists despite a lucrative mining tradition, and increasing tourism opportunities is a means to protect the environment rather than exploit it.

What COP26 means for forests and the climate

Restoration of forests, mangroves and peatlands offers great climate mitigation potential, in addition to the emissions avoided by halting their loss or degradation. However, while the Glasgow Declaration and related pledges are a welcome affirmation of political will, we need action.

Return of cruise ships may bring a storm of protest to regional Australian ports

From Vanuatu to Canada’s Northwest Passage, the pressure to open up new areas to the cruise industry is relentless, but decisions are often made without detailed independent research on economic benefits or environmental impact. This is an issue currently faced by the community of Jervis Bay, 200km south of Sydney.

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