Category: Biodiversity

Global governments ban the sale of wild baby African elephants to zoos

Conservationists celebrate final CITES decision to limit the controversial trade of wild-caught baby African elephants from Zimbabwe and Botswana to zoos.

New Canadian law bans all whale and dolphin captivity

The legislation covers all captive cetaceans, so whales, dolphins and porpoises, and establishes fines of up to $200,000 for all non-compliances.

UK parliamentary inquiry on sustainable tourism opens

Closing date for submitting written evidence to the UK Environment Audit Committee inquiry on sustainable tourism is 13 September 2019.

Canadian firm, Eagle Eye Adventures, awarded the first WCA global responsible whale watching certification

The newly launched World Cetacean Alliance's (WCA) Responsible Whale Watching Certification identifies global firms that are demonstrating a commitment to animal welfare, sustainability, and a high quality customer experience.

Contribute to World Bank Group review of Nature-based tourism tools and resources

New initiative will seek to identify and fill gaps of knowledge within nature-based tourism that can be used in the future to design new studies and technical papers.

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