Rotana publishes results of ‘Rotana Earth’ sustainability

(Travel Daily News) Rotana Hotels and Resorts is set to implement two new sustainability initiatives, following a successful year for ‘Rotana Earth,’ the Group’s global corporate social responsibility programme.

The first of these projects involves building on Rotana’s commitment to “Responsible Procurement” by developing a responsible procurement code. This would require Rotana properties to continue meeting their needs for goods, services, and utilities in a way that optimises product life-cycle value by cutting long term procurement costs, averting sustainability risks, and reducing operating costs.

Rotana will also implement a ‘Stakeholder Engagement Plan’ – through surveys and targeted interactions – to actively engage with its stakeholders by listening to them and responding to their concerns in a mutually beneficial way, thus building better relationships with the societies in which the group operates, ultimately resulting in improved business planning.

Read whole story here.

Jeremy Smith
Jeremy Smith
Jeremy Smith is the editor and co-founder of Travindy. He is a writer and communications consultant working for a more responsible and sustainable tourism industry. He is the author of two books, writes a fortnightly blog on responsible tourism for World Travel Market, and provides consultancy to a wide range of companies and organisations, ranging from National Parks to individual hotels and tour operators.

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