Category: Transport

Interviews with Tourism Social Entrepreneurs #4: Glooby

Glooby is creating a search engine that enables travellers to discover both the most sustainable holidays and also the lowest impact flights

How Far Can We Get Without Flying?

If you fly economy from Los Angeles to Paris and back, you’ve just emitted 3 tons of CO2 into the atmosphere, 10 times what an average Kenyan emits in an entire year. Flying first class doubles these numbers.

Place high tax on premium air travel to raise climate protection funds

A french economist claims a €180 levy on business class tickets and €20 on economy class would raise the €150bn a year needed for climate adaptation

Suriname indigenous leaders protest airport expansion and land confiscation

The government recently transfered ownership of the two indigenous villages to the state-owned International Airport of Suriname, without any consultation

Instead of expanding airports, why not introduce a ‘frequent flyer tax’?

The demand for ever more air travel and new runways comes from a small minority of frequent flyers, the 15% who take 70% of flights.

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