Category: Transport

What is Climate Friendly Travel? How can travel and tourism be aligned with the Paris Agreement?

What is Climate Friendly Travel? How can travel and tourism be aligned with the Paris Climate Agreement? How can the youth be empowered to become the drivers of change that the world needs today?

Study suggests 1% of people cause half of global aviation emissions

New research published in the journal of Global Environmental Change suggests that a few ‘super emitters’ are responsible for half of global aviation emissions. The analysis draws together data to give the clearest global picture of the impact of frequent fliers, who have a big impact on the climate crisis that affects everyone. The researchers estimated the cost of the climate damage caused by aviation’s emissions at $100bn in 2018.

How Sweden makes tourists responsible – interview with Ruth Dolla from Visit Sweden

Ruth Dolla, Official Spokesperson, Visit Sweden, talks to ETTravelWorld about how sustainability is a part of the Swedish lifestyle and is reflected in every aspect that a tourist experiences. By supporting tourism companies that offer sustainable experiences, a tourist is able to contribute to the circular economy and the experiences that they take back might inspire them and others to keep on living sustainably making tourism a tool for sustainable development.

WTM Virtual publishes roadmap for decarbonising aviation

WTM Virtual has published a white paper looking at what needs to be done to decarbonise aviation right now. The paper is one of the outputs of a virtual symposium bringing together leading scientists. The tourism sector, airlines, airports, aircraft manufacturers, governments and international organisations need to work in co-operation to take immediate action to rethink aviation in order to head off the carbon crisis.

Promoting sustainable mobility: Why the Commission sees 2021 to be the European Year of Rail

The European Commission has declared 2021 to be the European Year of Rail, an idea which will support the delivery of the European Green Deal objectives and its goal of achieving climate neutrality by 2050. Rail travel will be promoted as a sustainable and safe mode of transport with benefits across the board.

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Helsinki named world’s most sustainable destination by GDSI

Helsinki named world’s most sustainable travel destination — The Global Destination Sustainability Index measures the sustainability of travel destinations in four different categories using more than 70 indicators.