Category: Tours & activities

ATTA Launches Re-Designed Website for Responsible Travelers

ATTA has launched the newly redesigned Adventure.Travel website. Adventure.Travel is the consumer-facing companion website of the ATTA, showcasing the association’s members and partners.

Interview with Perrine Schober from SHADES TOURS

Perrine Schober is the Founder of SHADES TOURS, which stands for socio-political civil education and employment for homeless people. The company organizes tours and activities with homeless people in Vienna.

Time to reimagine Asian elephant tourism on World Elephant Day

To raise awareness of the issues in Asia’s elephant tourism, a new travel guide has been released on Aug 12, World Elephant Day, calling tourists to think before they ride.

How Fairaway and BetterPlaces make responsible travel happen, in practice

In this interview we asked Saskia Griep, co-founder of Better Places and Fairaway how she helps travelers find responsible journeys and cut CO2 emissions when traveling.

Cruise lines pull out of Faroe Islands following animal rights campaign

Activists have long protested against the islands for their annual mass killing of whales in a practice known as the Grind.

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Africa’s tourism industry is intentionally working to slow things down

In a time where travelers often race from one experience to the next, Africa's tourism industry is intentionally working to slow things down -- and in doing so, creating more meaningful, restorative experiences.