Category: Start Up

All you need to know about Booster, the first accelerator for sustainable tourism startups

We spoke with's Wendy van Leeuwen, Program Manager for Booster, about why has launched an accelerator programme for sustainable tourism startups, and what teams have the best chance to win

Earthcheck launches tourism entrepreneurs accelerator programme

New EarthCheck space will enable the organisation to share its global data, research and tourism development experience with tourism entrepreneurs

5 New Travel Startups With New Takes on Local Discovery

Five new startups give travelers alternatives to Google and other popular trip-planning platforms and help them discover local sights.

Airbnb moves further into local activities with Trip4real acquisition

Airbnb has acquired travel activities marketplace startup Trip4real, which connects travelers with local activities and experiences, and is rapidly moving into local travel guides and services.

Startup offers Sustainable Tourism in remote Amazon

One of the largest indigenous groups in Brazil, the Yanomamis, is trying to set up an initiative to offer tourism services in Pico da Neblina.

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Discover Puerto Rico presents initiative to inspire conscious travel

Discover Puerto Rico, the Island’s official Destination Marketing Organization (DMO), announces its Valentine’s Day initiative, “Love Letter from Puerto Rico,” with Puerto Rican actor and producer Amaury Nolasco.