Category: Socio-economic issues

Why tourism desperately needs a new performance metric

How will the industry measure “building back better”? There needs to be a major reckoning of the industry’s problematic equity imbalance and new performance metrics if the industry is to transform into a more climate-smart, socially sustainable and equitable industry across its supply chain.

New projects for the development of sustainable tourism in Portobelo, Panama

The Panamanian city of Portobelo is looking to expand its existing tourism offering as part of Panama’s “Master Plan for Sustainable Tourism.” Projects include the education and training of tour guides and the rehabilitation of the historic centre. This master plan reactivates the country’s tourism, conservation and Research (TCR) strategy applied over 20 years ago by the ecologist Dr. Hana Ayala and aims to reduce the social inequality gap and safeguard the UNESCO site.

How women’s empowerment can help fight climate change

The planet is being threatened by greenhouse gas emissions, overexploitation of the natural resources and unsustainable patterns of production and consumption. In the week of International Women's Day, Intrepid Travel's Susanne Etti gives 6 reasons we need to empower women to fight climate change.

How has New Zealand harnessed the power of domestic travel to save its tourism sector?

New Zealand’s borders have been closed for almost a year. How has a country so reliant on tourism managed to stay afloat? The New Zealand Tourism Board has been inspiring the country to explore more of their own backyard and this renewed focus on internal tourism seems to be resonating with people in New Zealand.

MEP Josianne Cutajar becomes signatory to the Future of Tourism Coalition

MEP Josianne Cutajar, member of the European Parliament’s Transport and Tourism Committee, has become a signatory of the Future of Tourism Coalition. The MEP is campaigning for the tourism industry to transform its business models, putting local communities and their ecosystems at the centre of tourism management and development.

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