From the initiative of the ONCE Foundation, the Spanish Association for Standardization (UNE) and the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), the first working meeting for the development of an International Standard on Accessible Tourism for All was held in Madrid on 13-14 February.
Adventure Travel & Responsible Tourism is an expanding sector – 12th Pow-Wow for trade visitors with topical subjects and exemplary projects on all aspects of astro-tourism, adventure holidays and ecological travel – Hall 4.1b fully booked.
Dashboard will enable sustainability indicators to be measured and tracked in a consistent and transparent manner so areas for improvement can be identified and achievements celebrated
While traveling, we try to be as efficient and eco-friendly as possible. But what about when we return home? We’ve come up with simple ways you can practice sustainable travel at home as well as abroad. While going through the motions of daily life, prioritize sustainability by supporting your local community and its natural resources.
The UN housing agency and Kenya have signed a deal to promote environmentally sustainable tourism in the east African country. UN Human Settlement Program Chief of the Urban Energy Unit Dr Vincent Kitio told a media briefing in Nairobi that under the agreement, the UN body will offer technical advice.