Category: Corporate Responsibility

TOFTTigers fourth annual awards focusses on theme of Rewilding

Awards highlight best of nature tourism in the Indian subcontinent, with the theme this year being 'Rewilding - at the heart of responsible nature tourism'.

Accor commits to apply National Living Wage in UK

AccorHotels will go beyond the UK government’s guidelines and apply the new National Living Wage to all employees previously paid below £7.20 per hour

World Animal Protection launches petition against Tripadvisor

WPA claims that Tripadvisor's algorithms can lead to even the cruellest wildlife venues being ranked highly in their Popularity Index

Challenges to Growth: announcing the launch of our Special Focus

Announcing the launch of a new special section of Travindy, dedicated to exploring the implications of tourism's ongoing growth, and the many possible responses.

Towards opening a sensible debate on tourism growth

Individuals have been asking about tourism and growth for many years but, somehow, we’ve failed to kick start an industry-wide debate.

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