Category: Corporate Responsibility

Interview with director of The Voluntourist documentary, Chloé Sanguinetti

For 18 months, Chloé Sanguinetti travelled the world, interviewing volunteers and people working for volunteer orgs about the growth of voluntourism

Measuring what matters in tourism

Tourism needs to improve the tools that measure how well we fulfil our promise to the communities in the destinations that comprise our core product

Leading safari companies release joint statement rejecting captive breeding

Several of Africa's leading safari companies have released a statement rejecting the practice of captive breeding and calling on others to join them

German Ecotrophea award open for applications

Applications can refer to individual travel offerings, destinations, services or initiatives which support sustainability in tourism in a particular manner.

Travel Plus Social Good: It All Starts with WHY?

What might a truly regenerative, purposeful tourism look like? How might we get there? And why should we?

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