Greenview launches portal to make collection of environmental data easy for hotels


Greenview launches portal to make collection of environmental data easy for hotels

Hotel sustainability consultancy, Greenview, has launched an online portal developed specifically for hotels to make tracking, analysing and benchmarking key sustainability data easy and affordable, ultimately improving the bottom line. The Greenview Portal is designed for property level staff, as well as key stakeholders such as hotel owners and operators who want aggregated data for their portfolio. Additional differentiators include real-time benchmarking capability, a built-in guidance library, and the inclusion of measurements for community-based activities.

“Many hotel sustainability tools are designed for corporate-level engineers and focus heavily on energy usage. We built the Greenview Portal as an easy-to-use solution for all hotel departments and staff, including the front desk manager, so that sustainability can be applied throughout the property,” says Grace Kang, Managing Partner, Greenview.

Greenview launches portal to make collection of environmental data easy for hotelsThe Greenview Portal offers an innovative Attributes Tracking feature that allows hotels to track and benchmark sustainability practices in real-time. The platform also suggests hundreds of best practices to help hotels save time, reduce costs and improve guest experience and employee retention.

“Just the way hoteliers benchmark against REVPAR and ADR among their peer groups, benchmarking sustainable best practices promotes friendly competitive and motivates hotels to stay ahead of the game,” says Ms. Kang.

The Greenview Portal makes the collection of environmental data easy for hotels. They can record specific usage and cost data to gain a deeper understanding of performance, especially regarding costs influenced by utilities. The data can be output in carbon footprint and other metrics, and rolled up for company reporting needs.

“Getting hotels to regularly track sustainability performance on a routine basis is a challenge. We made data collection easy with a bulk data-uploading feature that identifies anomalous consumption patterns caused by inefficient utility management. Routine tracking can quickly highlight issues such as leaking pipes or open valves which impact on utility bills significantly if left unnoticed,” explains Ms. Kang.

A built-in green guidance tool helps operators discover which sustainable practices can contribute to reducing costs, while also enhancing guest experience and impacting positively on the environment and the local community. Beyond the basic tools of tracking and reporting environmental performance, Greenview Portal also enables users to log their efficiency projects and input community and charitable initiatives.

“The Greenview portal makes the process of measurement and analysis easy and intuitive for users. They simply need to submit the data, leaving the software to make calculations and display results on a clear, action-driven, visually pleasing dashboard,” adds Ms. Kang.

Jeremy Smith
Jeremy Smith
Jeremy Smith is the editor and co-founder of Travindy. He is a writer and communications consultant working for a more responsible and sustainable tourism industry. He is the author of two books, writes a fortnightly blog on responsible tourism for World Travel Market, and provides consultancy to a wide range of companies and organisations, ranging from National Parks to individual hotels and tour operators.

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