World Responsible Tourism Day to celebrate 10 years at WTM in 2016


“World Responsible Tourism Day 2016 marks two very significant anniversaries for host World Travel Market and the travel and tourism industry’s wider responsible tourism efforts.

Tuesday 8 November will see the celebration of the 10th anniversary of World Responsible Tourism Day, held at WTM in London every year since 2007.

This year provides WTM and the industry with an opportunity to look back at the responsible tourism achievements of the past and also, look to its sector’s future. Therefore, the head of the UNWTO, Taleb Rifai, will not only assess its impact so far, but also announce plans for the year ahead, with the UN having declared 2017 to be the International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development.”

This is an excerpt from an article originally written by Gemma Greenwood for Travel Daily Media. To read the whole story, visit World Responsible Tourism Day to celebrate 10 years at WTM in 2016.

Travindy is an independent website featuring news and opinion on all issues to do with tourism and sustainability. Written primarily for an industry audience, our aim is to support the transformation of the sector into one that is regenerative, restorative and fully inclusive.

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