Category: Transport

Agent and tour company fly aid to refugees and offer empty plane seats

Crusader Travel, a travel agency in South West London, partnered with tour operator Sunvil to fly out supplies to refugees in Samos on Germania Airlines.

New draft reveals Paris climate talks soft on aviation emissions

Aviation and shipping sectors to be exempt from targeted CO2 emissions cuts in the December Paris climate agreement, according to the latest draft deal.

Tesla to give Californian Airbnb hosts free Electric Vehicle charging stations

Partnership seeks to improve desirability of electric cars through increasing availability of charging points

Scale of cruise industry pollution in Alaska revealed

Despite vigorous efforts to present a new, socially conscious face, it seems the cruise industry continues to pollute the pristine waters it sails through

AEF analysis claims economic impact of new Heathrow runway exaggerated

The Aviation Environment Federation claims that economic impact could be negligible - or even negative - once environmental costs accounted for

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