Category: Transport

Pope: CO₂ compensation for air travel is hypocrisy

Pope Francis has denounced the CO₂ compensation for air travel as hypocritical. He said: “The planes pollute the atmosphere, but with a fraction of the sum of the ticket price trees are planted to compensate for the damage inflicted.

Why transportation technology is on a collision course for 2017

More innovation in transportation technology is expected in 2017, and may result in cutting transportation emissions and decreasing congestion.

Royal Caribbean releases new sustainability report

Caribbean Cruises Ltd. released its Sustainability Report, which documents the Company’s commitment to environmental stewardship.

Uber launches first fleet of electric vehicles in Madrid

Uber launches electric vehicles to boost its image in the eyes of environmentally conscious mayor Manuela Carmena and show its goodwill, Reuters says.

#Hypernormalisation – and why Heathrow plan is proof we exist in a catastrophic fantasyland

The decision to approve airport expansion shows how far governments, businesses and individuals are willing to go in denying ecological crises.

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