Category: Transport

Airports’ climate programme relies on offsets excluded under EU laws

Airports’ efforts to reduce their CO2 emissions are welcome, but not if the offsets being used are highly unlikely to deliver promised emission reductions

Calling all collaborators – share your stories of sustainable tourism and transform an industry together

Travindy shares the stories that can transform tourism into a force for good. if you've a story that can help this happen, we'd love to hear from you

Second Jeju airport resistance intensifies with protest camp and hunger strike

Villagers are protesting as they feel they are being sacrificed for the tourism industry.

Electrical Flight is not the panacea for sustainable tourism

In principle, any development that makes a flight less carbon intensive is to be welcomed as a step in the right direction. However, it does not offer the sustainable solution that it is often presented as being.

Aviation biofuels plan would use palm oil and ‘destroy rainforests’ – warn 200+ environmental organisations

A new plan to accelerate production of biofuels for passenger planes has drawn stinging criticism from environmentalists who argue that most of the world’s rainforests might have to be cleared to produce the necessary crops.

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