Category: Start Up

Indigenous community to work with tourists rather than mining

Intrepid Travel will begin to take small groups on to Olkola land in Cape York after forming a joint venture with the traditional owners

Is Airbnb making housing crisis in major cities worse?

Airbnb might be contributing to a growing housing crisis by diverting rental stock that could have been rented to local, long-term tenants instead.

Airbnb, Blockchain, and the tourism reputation economy

Responsible tourism has generally had an uneasy relationship with technological development, which is often seen as disempowering and detaching us from the world around. However if – and it is still a big early days if – the likes of blockchain and the growing ‘reputation economy’ deliver on the promises they are making – it may one day become its new best friend.

Responsible Tourism Networking Group launches on Travel Massive

Community connects global network of travel innovators and enthusiasts working to "create better places for people to live and for people to visit."

Design Museum Dharavi hopes to change narrative about Mumbai slum

Museum showcases design talent in stigmatized area that rest of Mumbai mostly sees as a nuisance and developers mostly view as land for future high rises.

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Discover Puerto Rico presents initiative to inspire conscious travel

Discover Puerto Rico, the Island’s official Destination Marketing Organization (DMO), announces its Valentine’s Day initiative, “Love Letter from Puerto Rico,” with Puerto Rican actor and producer Amaury Nolasco.