Category: Socio-economic issues

Global tourism organisations unite to create Coalition for ​the Future of Tourism

Six non-governmental organisations have come together to call for a rebalance in tourism as the sector recovers from COVID-19. The Future of Tourism Coalition shares a global mission: to place destination needs at the centre of tourism’s new future.

Indigenous tours: an educatuonal tool for non-Indigenous Australians

Indigenous tourism offers an opportunity for non-indigenous Australians to learn about Aboriginal culture and history. Many Australians would like to make personal connections with Indigenous peoples, but don’t know how. Indigenous tours can be a starting point for new connections, and ultimately reconciliation.

Public space, park space, and racialised space

History illustrates how public parks in the US have often been socially constructed as white spaces. Given that these parks are important community resources that promote physical and mental health, social cohesion and conservation, how can we break down racial boundaries to make our spaces and society more egalitarian?

Imagining a post-pandemic tourism industry

The global pandemic has provided an opportunity to redesign the tourism landscape and industry to be sustainable and truly equitable - and to reform the industry’s exploitations of people and places.

Why gender should be at the heart of COVID-19 recovery

Equality in Tourism trustee, Angela Kalisch, writes about why gender should be at the forefront of the Travel Foundation’s call to put communities at the centre of recovery from COVID-19.

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Arcadia by Amala: A sustainable culinary journey by Jumeirah Zabeel Saray

Jumeirah Zabeel Saray unveils Arcadia by Amala, an intimate dining experience where the rich traditions of Indian cuisine are reimagined through artistic storytelling and sustainable practices.