Category: Socio-economic issues

The 10 best responsible tourism awards

What awards should individuals, companies & organisations working in sustainable tourism enter to promote their efforts to the world? These are the 10 best

A sustainable community in Kunisaki

Tour operator Paul Christie describes his community project in Japan.

Agent and tour company fly aid to refugees and offer empty plane seats

Crusader Travel, a travel agency in South West London, partnered with tour operator Sunvil to fly out supplies to refugees in Samos on Germania Airlines.

Icelanders to take refugees on whale watching trips to help integrate

Syrian refugees arriving in Iceland are to be taken on whale watching trips as part of an integration programme adopted by the Icelandic Red Cross.

What sort of development is tourism bringing to the Caribbean?

They say the resort is the new plantation. "But this is a plantation we have chosen, sought after and encouraged, often begged to come to our shores."

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