Category: Human Rights

ABTA launches new sustainability advice to members

ABTA has launched new guidance to help travel agents incorporate sustainability into their business practices. The guidance was developed in response to feedback from members.

Ecuador Court Gives Indigenous Groups a Boost in Mining and Drilling Disputes

The ruling, which requires the government to seek consent for new projects, could put the brakes on the president’s plan to increase oil production.

‘You can make money out of us’: the disabled people demanding more accessible travel and tourism

People with disabilities struggle to have their access needs met – so trying to organise a trip away comes with significant burdens. For Sarah Clifton-Bligh,...

Stronger together: Tourism training partnerships help prevent child exploitation

The sexual exploitation of children by those who use the services of the travel & tourism industry is a difficult subject to acknowledge let...

Tourism Fiji’s shameless new campaign is a reminder for marketers everywhere

What happens when an all-white leadership team — tourism board, ad agency, production company and actress — comes together to design the tourism marketing...

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