Category: Human Rights

New report on airport expansion in Indonesia examines conflict between tourism growth and land struggles

The report documents opposition to and community divisions over land acquisition for 25 airports at various stages of planning, construction and expansion.

Airbnb Pilots New Platform to Provide Housing for Refugees and Evacuees

Airbnb, has launched a new platform that will make it easier for people to open their homes to refugees and displaced people

How Indigenous tourism can help bring about reconciliation in Australia

Indigenous tourism can offer opportunities to foster reconciliation, using tourism to bridge the cultural divides and create better futures by sharing culture, knowledge and country.

The other victims of elephant tourism – reporting from Thailand

The reason for these ‘accidents’, neglect and lack of duty of care for elephants or their mahouts is often simple. It’s an issue of profit for those running elephant camps.

Keeping children safe: A success-story on leadership and sustainable tourism

Chairman, Founder and former CEO of Atlantica Hotels in Brazil, Paul has demonstrated what businesses can do to keep children safe and reduce the risks of child abuse and trafficking.

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