Category: Community

Mallorca residents demand controls on visitor numbers

This weekend, protesters in Mallorca stormed a popular beach in the latest protest against overtourism seen around Europe.

Is social tourism sustainable?

Can ‘social tourism’ — charity- and/or taxpayer-supported holidays — help alleviate stress in society and turn the travel & tourism industry’s off-season frowns upside down?

How digital nomads are revitalising rural Europian villages

Missing a sense of community? Leave the city behind for one of Europe’s rural digital nomad hubs.

Why do locals in Barcelona support Airbnb crackdown?

In Spanish cities suffering from overtourism, rules have slowly been introduced to help regulate numbers, including limits on the number of tourist rentals.

Thousands of Barcelona residents protest overtourism

Thousands of Barcelona residents have taken to the streets to protest overtourism.

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Discover Puerto Rico presents initiative to inspire conscious travel

Discover Puerto Rico, the Island’s official Destination Marketing Organization (DMO), announces its Valentine’s Day initiative, “Love Letter from Puerto Rico,” with Puerto Rican actor and producer Amaury Nolasco.