Category: Research and studies

Travel & Tourism Development Index 2021

The 2021 edition of the index highlights the vital need to invest in T&T, the impact of COVID-19 and how sector stakeholders can draw on T&T development strategies to build back better.

WTTC publishes new report on destination resilience

The World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) published a new report on practical guidelines and case studies to support destinations in becoming more resilient and sustainable

US sustainable travel survey

The Vacationer conducted a survey before Earth Day 2022 to find out how Americans feel about sustainable travel, how many are willing to spend more money to travel sustainably,...

25 heritage sites in danger

Threatened by global challenges ranging from climate change to recovery from crisis, the World Monuments Fund has released its bi-annual watch list of important heritage sites in need of preservation.

2022 travel trends

2022 is well underway and consumers are ready to set out on their next adventure… if they haven’t already.  Based on Group and...

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Discover Puerto Rico presents initiative to inspire conscious travel

Discover Puerto Rico, the Island’s official Destination Marketing Organization (DMO), announces its Valentine’s Day initiative, “Love Letter from Puerto Rico,” with Puerto Rican actor and producer Amaury Nolasco.