Category: Research and studies

Global Tourism Bounces Back Rapidly from Pandemic Slump

International tourism has continued to recover from the worst crisis in its history as arrival numbers reached 84% of pre-pandemic levels between January and July 2023, according to the latest data from UNWTO.

Ecotourism in Marine Protected Areas as a tool to valuate natural capital and enhance good marine governance: A review

The conservation of biodiversity has both direct and indirect economic benefits for many sectors of the economy, namely tourism, being ecotourism considered one of the segments particularly adequate to value natural capital.

This Is How Tourism Must Shift to Actually Address Climate Change

A new report released during COP27 reveals that only one scenario could possibly reduce emissions in time.

Spotlight: Rural Tourism and Leisure

Sustainability and acting in an environmentally responsible way continue to be growing trends among both consumers and the tourism industry as a whole

Airbnb’s Flexible Search boosts sustainable travel in Europe

New report with early data shows ‘flexible search’ diverting bookings from Europe’s most over-touristed destinations and peak travel dates.

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