Category: Research and studies

Ecotourism could be making animals less scared, and easier to eat

It is possible that our increasing penchant for nature tourism is making wildlife in these areas more vulnerable to predators.

New book: Sustainability in Hospitality

Embedding sustainability into the hospitality industry, and how this can transform sector into an advocate for more sustainable, eco-conscious tourism.

Help world’s whales by answering a questionnaire

Answer a few multiple choice questions and help create Whale Heritage Sites - supporting destinations around the world doing most for whales

Study shows greenwashing by hotels spoils reputation with guests

The more hotels exaggerate their green claims, says a new paper, the less likely guests are to engage in green practices while staying, or to return

Pacific atolls may be uninhabitable within decades due to climate change

Study shows combined effect of storm-induced wave-driven flooding and sea level rise on atolls may be more severe and happen sooner than previous estimates

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