Category: Research and studies

Sea level rises may well come sooner and worse than expected

New studies released at the end of March show that people alive today may face 6-9 metres of sea level rise flooding well over a million including many of the world's biggest cities.

Responsible tourism growing faster than wider industry claims report

The Case for Responsible Travel - Trends and Statistics 2016 reports latest findings, statistics and quotes concerning the state of responsible tourism

Global wild tiger population increases, but still a long way to go

Increase attributed to many factors including increases in tiger populations in India, Russia, Nepal and Bhutan, improved surveys and enhanced protection

Do “all-inclusive” resorts exclude local businesses?

How successful have attempts by the government of Jamaica to link tourism businesses to local suppliers been?

TTG Media offers free scholarships with Leeds Beckett

Each of the two courses include content on travel business, hospitality and responsible tourism management

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