Category: Publication

Responsible tourism growing faster than wider industry claims report

The Case for Responsible Travel - Trends and Statistics 2016 reports latest findings, statistics and quotes concerning the state of responsible tourism

Travindy Espanol brings sustainable tourism news to Spanish-speaking world

Travindy Espanol brings together all the best Spanish language news and comment about responsible tourism in one place

Do “all-inclusive” resorts exclude local businesses?

How successful have attempts by the government of Jamaica to link tourism businesses to local suppliers been?

The ugly side of wildlife photography

An exponential surge in the popularity of nature photography is unknowingly altering species behaviour and creating habitat disturbances

Half of World Heritage Sites threatened by development, says WWF

According to the study, 114 natural and mixed World Heritage sites out of 229 either have oil, gas or mining concessions overlapping them or are under threat from at least one other harmful industrial activity

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Discover Puerto Rico presents initiative to inspire conscious travel

Discover Puerto Rico, the Island’s official Destination Marketing Organization (DMO), announces its Valentine’s Day initiative, “Love Letter from Puerto Rico,” with Puerto Rican actor and producer Amaury Nolasco.