Category: Online

Latest virtual reality whale watching app in development

Whale and Dolphin Conservation has partnered with a leading app developer to create a mobile application aimed at increasing awareness of issues affecting cetaceans worldwide

New smartphone app to protect Australia’s at risk wombats

App enables anyone to easily report any sightings of wombat sightings and record the animal’s health.

‘The Social Good City Guide to Barcelona’ published online

new guide shows you where in Barcelona to find the best in activities, restaurants, accommodation that also gives back to the local community in some way

New online map shows where tourism most benefits women

Gender Responsible Tourism has published an interactive map of trip locations where women benefit most, either directly or through community projects

GreenHotelWorld first OTA to offset hotel carbon footprints for free

Sustainable OTA GreenHotelWorld now enables travellers to book 'non-green' hotels on its site, and have emissions associated with their stay offset for free

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Four countries that are actively welcoming travellers

Following this summer's heated protests against overtourism, there's some good news. For every overcrowded tourist spot in Europe, there are plenty of places around the world that need more visitors.