Category: Innovation

Why there’s no reason for travel industry to fear return of Balearics ecotax

The idea that charging 2 euros a night to protect your environment is somehow going to decimate your tourism industry is preposterous

Volunteers seek airline sponsor to help bring music to refugees on Lesvos

A group of musicians from Galway, Ireland is seeking travel industry support for a planned trip to help refugees on the Island of Lesvos.

Agent and tour company fly aid to refugees and offer empty plane seats

Crusader Travel, a travel agency in South West London, partnered with tour operator Sunvil to fly out supplies to refugees in Samos on Germania Airlines.

Icelanders to take refugees on whale watching trips to help integrate

Syrian refugees arriving in Iceland are to be taken on whale watching trips as part of an integration programme adopted by the Icelandic Red Cross.

Report on linking sustainable agriculture and tourism in Tanzania

There is huge potential to benefit both sectors through more collaboration. This free report explores how

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