Category: Innovation

Responsible Tourism Toolkit – Part 1 Energy Saving Tips

Energy saving tips for responsible tourism businesses in Southern Africa and elsewhere, from consultant Louise de Waal

Airbnb, social media and the quest for the authentic urban experience

Opening up tourism to grassroots entrepreneurs has been a democratising process.

Operation Sulaimani ensures everyone in Kozhikode has something to eat

Hotels and restaurants in the Keralan town of Kozhikode are supporting a scheme that ensures everyone in the district can access a free meal

Indian hotelier CGH earth swears by conservation as business strategy

The owners of CGH Earth discuss how they sustain the unique hospitality model they pioneered in changing times.

VIDEO: Four Responsible Tourism sessions from Tuesday at WTM London 2015

Sessions on carbon efficiency, wildlife, child protection and the role of governments in managing tourism in destintations

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AHLA releases new Employee Safety Device Buyer’s Guide

AHLA and its technology committee, Hospitality Technology Next Generation (HTNG), released an updated buyer’s guide and comparison matrix to help hoteliers assess the latest generation of personal safety devices for hotel staff.