GSTC announces merger with tour operators’ Initiative

(green lodging news) “The Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) and the Tour Operators’ Initiative for Sustainable Tourism Development (TOI) recently announced their merger, as approved by the boards of directors of each organization.

‘While retaining our vital DNA as a neutral and independent arbiter of standards for sustainability in travel and tourism, which is well established in our bylaws and organizational structure, the GSTC from our inception has welcomed the participation of all subsectors within travel and tourism,” said Randy Durband, GSTC’s CEO. “Tour operators uniquely touch all facets of the tourism value chain and therefore can play a vital role in the enhancement of sustainability throughout it.'”

Read whole story here.

Jeremy Smith
Jeremy Smith
Jeremy Smith is the editor and co-founder of Travindy. He is a writer and communications consultant working for a more responsible and sustainable tourism industry. He is the author of two books, writes a fortnightly blog on responsible tourism for World Travel Market, and provides consultancy to a wide range of companies and organisations, ranging from National Parks to individual hotels and tour operators.

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