Category: Socio-economic issues

Intergenerational tourism as a tool to diversify the tourism offer in a destination

The SENINTER model presents an opportunity to mature and rural destinations to diversify their tourism offer during mid and low season

Shiva Hotels launches industry-first anti-slavery campaign to eradicate human trafficking

UK hotel group Shiva Hotels is looking to take human trafficking and modern slavery head on, launching an industry-first anti-slavery program, which it began rolling out across its hotels last week.

High Level Taskforce to end sexual exploitation of children in travel and tourism meets in Madrid

A one-day action packed meeting of the High-Level Taskforce to end the sexual exploitation of children and tourism took place at the UNWTO Headquarters in Madrid last week.

A true community based tourism that had an impact in poverty reduction in northern Ethiopia

A network of community run sites, or overnight stops, in the astonishingly dramatic landscapes of the highlands.

Vision for Accessible Transportation in Canada

The Chair and CEO of the Canadian Transportation Agency shared his vision of a national transportation system that is the most accessible in the world outlining the vision to representatives from disability rights associations and industry.

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Africa’s tourism industry is intentionally working to slow things down

In a time where travelers often race from one experience to the next, Africa's tourism industry is intentionally working to slow things down -- and in doing so, creating more meaningful, restorative experiences.