Category: Education

How a County Clare community inspired sustainable tourism around the world

Made up of 62 tourism enterprises, from cheesemongers to carbon-neutral hotels, the Burren Ecotourism Network works to conserve the area through training, initiatives and a code of sustainable practices. The Network has now been awarded the ‘Green Light’ award for sustainability from

Electrifying Himalayan villages through sustainable tourism: Interview with Paras Loomba

High in the Himalayas, Paras Loomba the CEO, and founder of Global Himalayan Expedition (GHE) is a social entrepreneur providing clean solar energy and...

Stronger together: Tourism training partnerships help prevent child exploitation

The sexual exploitation of children by those who use the services of the travel & tourism industry is a difficult subject to acknowledge let...

Intrepid Travel CEO calls for more advocacy in tourism and less fixation on numbers

As travel revives, industry leaders must address their sector's impact on the climate and on local communities. Otherwise, the sector risks attacks from the...

What steps can tourism take after COP26?

The COP26 climate change conference may have finally been the wake-up call that the planet needs. After decades of warnings and the continued release of...

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