Category: Innovation

Place high tax on premium air travel to raise climate protection funds

A french economist claims a €180 levy on business class tickets and €20 on economy class would raise the €150bn a year needed for climate adaptation

Palau bets on sustainable tourism with fishing ban

The move follows a similar action in 2009 when Palau created the world's first sanctuary, a move that has seen many countries follow suit.

What Tanabe, Japan, is teaching world about responsible tourism

By bringing community members into a grass roots effort, Tanabe City has discovered less (tourism) is more.

National Geographic announces World Legacy Awards finalists

The 15 finalists span 5 categories and represent some of the best examples of sustainable tourism worldwide

Green Globe launches new online certification system

Green Globe has launched its new online certification system for greater management of environmental indicators, CSR activities and quality assurance.

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AHLA releases new Employee Safety Device Buyer’s Guide

AHLA and its technology committee, Hospitality Technology Next Generation (HTNG), released an updated buyer’s guide and comparison matrix to help hoteliers assess the latest generation of personal safety devices for hotel staff.