Apart from admiring a particularly stunning beachfront, chances are you've likely never given much thought to sand. But sand, it turns out, is one of the world's most vital natural resources.
Khiri Reach, the 16-year old charitable arm of Khiri Travel, has joined Wildlife Alliance’s ambitious long-term One Million Trees initiative to reforest illegally cleared land in Cambodia’s Cardamom Mountains.
As nature faces unprecedented pressures, with human activity the leading cause for one million animal and plant species being pushed to the brink of extinction, GRI has published a major update to its Biodiversity Standard.
The Sea Ranch Lodge, set along the dramatic coastline of Sonoma County, has unveiled The Farm, a haven for regenerative farming practices located on agricultural land just south of The Sea Ranch Lodge.
Resorts are taking “rewilding” — the rehabilitation of natural ecosystems — further, making extensive efforts to bring back native plants and animals to their properties and winning praise from guests and ecologists.