Johan Robinson, from UN Environment, argues that if we want to conserve nature, we must share the cost of conservation which is currently disproportionally borne by poor communities.
Some national parks in Rwanda and Congo are temporarily closing to protect their residents from coronavirus. But what impact will this have on their income and conservation efforts?
Here is a hard-earned Dos and Don’ts Guide, before, during and after a disaster. I hope other operators don’t have to go through what we’ve been through. But I fear it is already happening to many, worldwide.
The same forest destruction that accelerates climate change can also encourage the emergence of diseases such as the coronavirus, Indigenous Peoples’ leaders said
Today, there are an estimated 13,000 biodiversity offsets across the world. However, these projects suffer from all the problems of any conservation project in a poorly regulated country, including elite capture.
Discover Puerto Rico, the Island’s official Destination Marketing Organization (DMO), announces its Valentine’s Day initiative, “Love Letter from Puerto Rico,” with Puerto Rican actor and producer Amaury Nolasco.