Category: Corporate Responsibility

Call for entries to annual HICAP Sustainable Hotel Awards

Asia Pacific’s greenest hotels are invited to apply for the HICAP Sustainable Hotel Awards.

Tomorrow needs today: Martin’s Hotels embraces circular economy

The award-winning Belgian hotel chain has developed one of the most far reaching approaches to supply chain management, and engaged staff and guests in its transformative efforts

Obstacles in transforming the tourism sector into a Real People Impact (RPI) industry

If significant gains are going to be made in developing sustainable tourism, nations must put in place systems that will contribute to ending tourism as we know it, argues Judy Kepher-Gona. Focus must shift to ethical people engagement.

The role of gender equality towards achieving sustainable tourism – interview with Daniela Moreno Alarcón from Equality in Tourism

We need a more gender-balanced industry if we want to reduce poverty, promote sustainable human development, improve the sector’s ethics and protect the environment.

Tourism tax avoiders ‘no better than the poachers and the smugglers’ says CITES head

When tourism does not engage with local communities or invests so that all of the profits go off shore, it fuels destruction of wildlife, says CITES head in keynote speech at WTTC Summit

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