Category: Socio-economic issues

Should you ride an elephant?

Ethical travellers should take some time and find our about the options before taking part in elephant tourism – all good tour operators will have a policy on elephant tourism and if they do offer treks should be able to justify the options they offer.

Should you conform to religious or cultural dress codes?

Every country and person has their own norms and codes of conduct; but should you adjust to them, even if you don’t necessarily agree?

Should you take part in spiritual ceremonies?

It is becoming common on holidays of many kinds for tourists to be invited to take part in ‘spiritual experiences’. But is it OK to say yes?

Should you volunteer overseas?

Volunteers need to be realistic in what they can offer and appreciate that however well meaning volunteering may result in more harm than good.

Should you fly?

We urgently need to start thinking about how tourism will look in 2030 and beyond

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