Category: Socio-economic issues

Why gender should be at the heart of COVID-19 recovery

Equality in Tourism trustee, Angela Kalisch, writes about why gender should be at the forefront of the Travel Foundation’s call to put communities at the centre of recovery from COVID-19.

As wildlife tourism grounds to a halt, who will pay for the conservation of nature?

Johan Robinson, from UN Environment, argues that if we want to conserve nature, we must share the cost of conservation which is currently disproportionally borne by poor communities.

Canada’s indigenous tourism operators call for more assistance amid pandemic

While the pandemic is causing unprecedented strife across the tourism industry, the suffering of Canada’s once-booming Indigenous operations appears especially acute.

100 Inspiring women travel founders

This list of women entrepreneurs from the Travel Massive community celebtrates the achievements of women travel founders and offers some hope in these tough times for the industry.

What the world can learn from sustainable tourism in Kerala

Travel blogger Shivya Nath shares responsible tourism lessons from her travels throughout Kerala, providing insights for destinations in developing countires on how to improve the future of travel.

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