Category: Communications

Greece unveils sustainable travel platform

The Greek National Tourist Organisation (GNTO) has announced a new sustainable travel platform to educate British travel agents, tour operators and consumers about sustainable holidays in Greece.

How to Tread Lightly in Fragile Places

Organizing a responsible visit to sensitive areas like the Galápagos Islands or Antarctica involves research, decoding certifications and possibly a travel adviser.

New eco-Tourism network to protect Africa’s wildlife

Made up of various stakeholders in the region, WATO welcomes members operating any tourism-related business as well as coordinating initiatives and activities across different countries.

The Perils of “Giving Back” and a Tourism Model that Actually Supports Communities

Giving back is a great concept buut not always effective. Travelers tend to be disconnected from those foundational building blocks that drew them to a certain destination in the first place.

Asian Travelers Are Confused By Sustainable Travel: That’s an Industry Problem

From India to Indonesia, Asian travelers are becoming increasingly conscious about sustainable choices — and perplexed by them. The travel industry needs to understand this — and failing to do so might be tantamount to greenwashing in the eyes of consumers.

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Discover Puerto Rico presents initiative to inspire conscious travel

Discover Puerto Rico, the Island’s official Destination Marketing Organization (DMO), announces its Valentine’s Day initiative, “Love Letter from Puerto Rico,” with Puerto Rican actor and producer Amaury Nolasco.