Sustainability in TOUR OPERATIONS
Sustainable tour operators play an important role in connecting traveler with destinations. They have contributed to the development of remote areas all across the globe – making remote lands accessible to outsiders, empowering communities to represent their cultures, and bringing economic gains to areas that lack resources. Tourism growth comes with a number of challenges, including pollution, climate change, biodiversity loss, tourism leakage, labor rights violations and commodification of cultures to name a few.
Many tourism businesses realise that the principles of sustainable development can make good business, as well as moral, sense. Increasing numbers of tour operators are accepting that they have a responsibility to society and the environment, globally and locally, as well as to their shareholders.
Tour operators previously argued that impacts in destinations were not their responsibility, but that of local governments and tourism suppliers in the destination. However, many have now realised that their role as intermediaries makes them uniquely placed to influence consumer choice, supplier practice and help tourism to develop sustainably.
In recent years, also tourists have become more environmentally and socially conscious. They are more selective when choosing brands and products, and apart from the travel itinerary and price, they also look at sustainability credentials of tour companies. Therefore, to meet customer expectations, travel companies started actively communicating their sustainability practices.
Travindy helps tour companies integrate sustainability into their core business and tourism products, in a way to attract modern travelers while benefiting local communities and protecting natural environment.
Travindy helps tour companies integrate sustainability into their core business and tourism products, in a way to attract modern travelers while benefiting local communities and protecting natural environment.
Why sustainability in tour operations matters

Sustainable tour operators enjoy a number of benefits:
– Higher customer value
– Increase number of new and loyal customers
– Lower risks in operations and across supply chain
– Higher staff retention and ability to attract best talents
– Higher customer satisfaction
– Improved relations with partners and communities
– Access to different financing programs
– Media attention
Who we work with
Outbound & inbound tour operators
Day tours & activities providers
tourism associations
What we can do for your business
Travindy aims to solve communication barriers, and we aim to do the same by helping tour companies and accommodation businesses to learn how to communicate sustainability messages. Communicating sustainability can be somewhat challenging, that’s why it is our responsibility to help small and medium businesses with their websites. We were approached by Forum Anders Reisen, a German association of sustainable tour operators, to conduct analyse sustainability messaging used on their websites. Our objective was to help tour companies improve the use of their sustainability efforts in a way… Learn more